Brush and roll versus spray painting is a matter
of convenience NOT quality.
There is also a difference in skill: an experienced painter can spray a smooth finish in a fraction of the time it would take them to paint by hand. Those without experience, however, can easily overspray, overcoat and spend more time fixing mistakes than it would take to brush paint the entire project from the start.
- When the house or area is mostly empty. Because of overspray and paint mist, everything that is not to be painted must be completely taped off. If there is a large amount of taping and masking to do, you lose all the time you would save by using the spray machine.
- Large interior areas with little furniture. Less prep = quicker job time. With a sprayer, many times taping and masking take as much time or longer than the actual paint process itself.
A skilled sprayer can coat these with a beautiful, smooth finish better than any roller or brush could. On surfaces where you want a smooth paint finish and no texture marks, this is the way to go. - A sprayer is useful for ceilings where the floor will be covered or the carpet is going to be replaced.
- When you have one color to paint. The clean up time between changing colors in the machine wipes out any speed advantage; an old fashioned roller will get it done just as quick.
- These three items always look exceptionally better when sprayed:
- Interior Trim
- Doors
- Cabinets